Adults / Type II
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I've been told that I will have to have teeth taken out
Therapeutic extraction may be an integral part of orthodontic correction of certain types of malocclusion, such as dental crowding, dentoalveolar protrusions and open bite.
My teeth aren't straight (some overlap others)
Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic.
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
It's as if my teeth are too long
There are three types of dental crowding: primary, secondary and tertiary. This classification is by no means exclusive since one individual may have all three types of crowding.
Dental crowding means…
Dental crowding means…
My face seems very long
There are treatments where the patient complains of having a long face. This might be due to many factors: genetic, people who breathe through the mouth, lack of jaw width…The treatment options…
When I close my mouth, my lips don't close
Biprotrusions are characterized by:
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
My teeth are very twisted
Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic.
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
When I close my teeth, the front teeth don't touch (open bite)
Open bite, that is when the front teeth do not touch, can have two causes: badly positioned teeth (dental cause) or a bad position of the bones which hold the teeth, the upper and lower jaws (skeletal cause).
My top teeth overlap the bottom teeth too much
Overbiting is a malocclusion where the upper teeth overlap the lower, causing excessive wear. Overbiting can be corrected through orthodontics.
Some lower teeth are outside the top teeth
With a normal bite, the teeth of the upper arch overlap in front of and outside those of the lower arch.
When this situation is reversed, that is, when one or more teeth of the upper…
When this situation is reversed, that is, when one or more teeth of the upper…
One of my canine teeth appears to be out of position
“High canines” occur due to lack of space, either for both canines or for just one of them. In these cases the aim will be to obtain sufficient space for the canine to return to its normal position.
My front teeth lean considerably towards the front
Biprotrusions are characterized by:
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
I don't like my smile
On occasions, tooth crowding might not be too serious but sufficient for the smile not to be as bright as it might and occlusion not to be correct. Furthermore, on this case we have treated the patient with…
It seems that my smile 'doesn't fit'
When various dental problems exist, it is impossible for the person to bite easily. In these cases, following treatment the patient tends to notice improvements in problems which they previously…
When I smile, too much of my gum is visible and I don't like it
Crown lengthening is a surgical technique aimed at exposing more of the dental structure. It is simple and predictable technique which can improve aesthetics in patients with unequal gingival…
My incisors lean considerably towards the front
Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic.
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…