Children and Teenagers / Type II
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I've been told that I will have to have teeth taken out

Therapeutic orthodontic extraction is the removal of one or more teeth as an integral part of orthodontic treatment to correct certain types of malocclusion such as dental crowding and dentoalveolar protrusion.
My teeth pile up on top of each other

Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic.
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
My canines are on top of the other teeth

The lack of space means that there is not enough room for the canines and furthermore, this causes dental crowding. Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and…
When I close my mouth, my lips don't close

Biprotrusions are characterized by:
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
-Outward sloping of the upper and lower incisors: big mouth.
-Inverted and half-open lips.
In these patients, dental crowding…
I have a very narrow mouth

Growth of the arches is not always as great as it should be but with adequate treatment this is easily solved.
My teeth are 'disorganized'

The lack of space causes dental crowding. Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic. Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate……
The canines don't fit. On one side they are very high

The lack of space means that there is not enough room for the canines and furthermore, this causes dental crowding. Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and…
The middle teeth are not close together

The diastem is the space between two adjacent teeth. Diastemata appear when there is excess space and some teeth do not touch.