Children and Teenagers / Type III
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I seem to have too many teeth
Therapeutic orthodontic extraction is the removal of one or more teeth as an integral part of orthodontic treatment to correct certain types of malocclusion such as dental crowding and dentoalveolar protrusion.
My teeth touch at the edges when chewing
This is a minor class III occlusion known as “edge to edge bite”. Due to the bad position of the teeth, the patient does not obtain good occlusion and this leads to his or her jaw to adapt to….
My jaw hurts
When occlusion isn’t good, there is serious discomfort when eating. If nothing is done about it, the discomfort can become chronic and more difficult to solve.
My teeth overlap a lot
Overbiting is a malocclusion where the upper teeth overlap the lower, causing excessive wear. Overbiting can be corrected through orthodontics.
My canines have no room to come through
The lack of space means that there is not enough room for the canines and furthermore, this causes dental crowding. Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and…
My mouth doesn't close normally and the lower teeth overlap the upper ones.
Overbiting is a malocclusion where the upper teeth overlap the lower, causing excessive wear. Overbiting can be corrected through orthodontics.
My lower teeth are turned over
Crowding of teeth does not constitute a functional malocclusion and therefore the main reason for correcting it is aesthetic.
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
Nevertheless well aligned teeth facilitate…
My mouth seems very narrow
For various reasons the jaws don’t develop as they should or what is known as maxillary compression occurs. With adequate treatment, it can be solved.