Metal Brackets
SmartClip™ SL3 Self-Ligating Metallic Brackets

SmartClip SL3 brackets are very comfortable. It’s a breeze! These brackets are free and easy to wear. SmartClip™ SL brackets are self-ligating. That means their archwires are held not by little rubber bands, but by an innovative and unique clip system. This benefits you in loads of ways.

Changing arches is easier for orthodontists.
As we said: SmartClip™ SL Brackets hold archwires without rubber bands. Your orthodontist can change the arches more easily at follow-up appointments, because there’s no need to swap the rubber bands for every individual brace.

Can mean less time in the dentist’s chair for you.
Faster and easier archwire change by the orthodontist means you can spend less time in the dentist’s chair. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Cepillarse los dientes es simplemente fácil
El hecho de que los brackets SmartClip ™no necesitan bandas de goma tiene un beneficio especial para usted también. Los dientes y los brackets son más fáciles de limpiar en comparación con bandas de goma.Suena bien, ¿no es así?

Brushing is just plain easy.
The fact that SmartClip™ SL3 brackets do not need rubber bands has a special benefit for you too. Your teeth and brackets are easier to clean compared to rubber bands. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?

Move your teeth really gently and effectively.
SmartClip™ SL3 brackets hardly stress your teeth, and nudge them to the right place with light forces. So these brackets are comfortable to wear and engineered to move your teeth quickly.