We and our dental nurses are a fully qualified team and we continuously complete our training in order to offer a high-quality service, so that our patients are content with all aspects of their orthodontic treatments.

What will happen at the first appointment?

At the first appointment Dr Fernández will tell you if you need orthodontic treatment and the opportune moment to start. In the same way, he will briefly explain to you the possible difficulties and solutions, the duration and the approximate cost of the treatment.

If you decide to start treatment, a full examination of the patient will be undertaken, as well as X-rays, photos and models of the mouth. In this way, a list of problems and aesthetic and functional needs (diagnosis) will be created, after which the solutions will be suggested (treatment plan).

What kind of information will I receive from my treatment?

When you start treatment, you will receive a report on which your diagnosis, your treatment plan, the duration of treatment, the price and the way of payment you chose will be explained. At the same time, our team will give you instructions and a kit for the care and maintenance of your braces, solutions to any little problems that may arise, as well as some specific instructions concerning oral hygiene.

During the treatment time you will be continually informed about your evolution, and our clinic will be always available to solve any problem or discomfort you may have.

How are the budgets and the ways of payment?

All our budgets are “closed”, so all concepts are included in the fees: study, braces and necessary visits for the corrective treatment, as well as the retainers and the visits of the retention phase (for two years after the corrective treatment). Since the first day you will know in writing the exact cost of all treatment, without later changes.

The aesthetic or transparent braces do not increase in price for adult patients. We offer every facility and credit facilities. All concepts are paid in monthly instalments and you can also pay by card and use the service of direct debiting. Unlike other groups (friendly societies, insurances, and dentists groups) you only pay the treatment, you do not have to pay any monthly or entry fee.

What is Orthodontics?

The orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that specializes in preventing and correcting the malocclusion of teeth and the irregularities of the jaw.

Are there Orthodontics specialists?

An Orthodontics specialist (also called “orthodontist”) is a dentist, who also undertook specialized training that allows him/her to solve any kind of irregularities of teeth and jaw.

There are more than 350 Orthodontics specialists throughout the country whose professional qualification corresponds with the rules laid down by the European Union.

Would you like to know more about orthodontists? Click here:
Dr. Leandro Fernández
Spanish Society of Orthodontics SEDO

Is the orthodontic treatment costly?

The orthodontic treatment is costly due to the severity of the problem to solve, the constant professional attention, the number and quality of machines and its prolonged duration. Taking these elements into account we make a budget in accordance with every case where the payment in instalments all through the treatment is explained and there is not any initial payment, so that it is more affordable.

How long does orthodontic treatment last?

It is difficult to predict the total duration since it depends on factors such as the severity of the problem and the patient cooperation. There are treatments that are undertaken in two different phases, but in general, a two year treatment would be desirable.

What are the benefits of orthodontic treatment?

The orthodontic treatment achieves the teeth alignment and improves the jaw position. In this way, teeth fit well together obtaining a good mastication; they are healthy and strong; the brushing is easier and a long life to teeth and gums is assured. In addition, we must emphasize that a well position of teeth leads to a beautiful and attractive smile that improves self-esteem.

Do the braces harm teeth or gums?

During treatment time some braces contribute to the retention of food, but following simple hygiene instructions you can prevent teeth stains and gum swelling.

Is the orthodontic treatment painful?

In general, the treatment is completely painless. During the first days you can feel some discomfort but it will disappear in few days. In any case, the patients will tell us whether discomforts are still there or they are excessive.

Are all orthodontic treatments the same?

No, they aren’t. Every treatment is different depending on the problem and the age of the patient. These are the different types of treatment:
1. The purpose of Preventive treatment is the elimination of children’s habits ending in deformity, generally when the baby teeth appear (from 3 to 6 years old).
2. Interceptive treatment makes permanent teeth come in straight and improves the size and position of maxillary bones, generally when the permanent teeth replace the milk teeth (from 7 to 11 years old)
3. The Corrective treatment is undertaken when all permanent teeth have come through (from 12 years old and upwards).

Would you like to know more about types of treatments? Click here:
Types of Orthodontic treatments

All teeth problems can be corrected with orthodontics?

In most cases it is possible to obtain a great improvement of the function of teeth and their aesthetic look, but it depends on individual circumstances. In some cases we will need the cooperation of other professionals (dentists, periodontists, maxillofacial surgeons, etc…) to solve the problem.

Is the success of the treatment guaranteed?

Starting from an appropriate diagnosis and treatment, we can reasonably predict the results of the treatment. Although we do not always obtain perfect smiles, we do improve them. The most important thing is that patients know from the very first what we can achieve.

When should I consult the orthodontist for the first time?

Most orthodontic problems appear in the permanent dentition, so we recommend consult the orthodontist since the first permanent teeth appear, around six years old, to check the occlusion and the first permanent teeth.

Would you like to know more about children treatments? Click here:
Interceptive Orthodontics

What do I have to do when a milk tooth falls out quicker than it was expected?

In order not to lose the space for the permanent tooth, it is advisable to place an appliance called “space maintainer”. The orthodontist will decide when and what kind of brace must be used.

Would you like to know more about children treatments? Click here:
Interceptive Orthodontics

What is the best age to start orthodontic treatment?

Any irregularity can be improved no matter how old you are; although in some cases extractions and complications can be prevented if treatment is undertaken at early ages.

Would you like to know more about children treatments? Click here:
Interceptive Orthodontics

Am I too old for Orthodontics?

Treatment of adult patients is not only possible but, in many cases, it is necessary to correct the progressive deterioration of the dentition and to extend its life. If your gums and the bones that support your teeth are healthy, we will be able to start treatment and will obtain similar results to young patients.
Nowadays, there are up-to-date braces that offer an excellent aesthetic look and comfort, so that the number of adult patients increases every year.

Would you like to know more about adult treatment? Click here:
Adult Orthodontic treatment

What happens after the brace removal?

Once the corrective treatment has finished, we start the retention phase. Retainers are designed to keep your teeth straight. The orthodontist, the patient and the dentist will create a maintenance and oral hygiene plan to assure the whole dental health.

Do I need to have the wisdom teeth taken out?

Although in many cases they need to have them taken out, if those people whose wisdom teeth and the rest of teeth fit together perfectly, they have not got decay or some of their teeth are missing, the extraction of them will not be necessary.

How does the retention and maintenance phase last?

Those teeth that have been in movement because of the orthodontics tend to return to its original position at least for two years after finishing the treatment. For this reason, the duration of the retention phase must be at least two years.

Then, we can say the teeth will not move towards its original position, but they may move towards any other. These movements are due to little changes in the masticatory system and its “ageing”. They usually occur in both orthodontic patients and people who were not treated. This can be proved as we observe that having a perfect and natural alignment during the whole life is an infrequent fact.

We can say that after two years of retention, orthodontic patients are not different at all from general people; therefore they are exposed to the movement of teeth in the same way.

If we want to keep this perfect alignment we must do it in an artificial way, placing the retainers twice or three times a week during unlimited time and consulting the orthodontist once a year. We can also leave the retainers aside assuming that these movements are going to occur and if we would like to have got perfect teeth, we will have to undergo a little alignment treatment some years later.

A similar case is the cosmetic surgery in order to eliminate the wrinkles on the face. Although you obtain a perfect face, you keep growing old and some years later you must return to this surgery. In such cases we have not got retainers.

Your questions
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