Estudio in vitro de la resistencia a tracción de brackets estéticas y cementos liberadores de flúor

Estudio in vitro de la resistencia a tracción de brackets estéticas y cementos liberadores de flúor

Posted by Ortodoncia Especializada in Noticias 30 Sep 2004

In vitro study of the resistance to traction in aesthetic brackets and fluoride releasing cements bonding.

The aesthetic orthodontic braces and the Bracket direct bonding are fields of great interest in clinical orthodontics.

We evaluated the resistance to traction in three types of brackets (metallic, plastic and ceramic) combined with five types of adhesives cements (conventional resin, fluoride releasing resin, two glass ionomer cements and a compomer) making a traction standardized experiment.

The analysed values of this study were the maximum resistance to traction (tension) and the localization of the fracture.

The results obtained, after evaluating that in vitro research had more limitations than in vivo one, allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1- The plastic bracket with mechanic retention has got a correct adhesion ability.

2- The silanized bracket did not act as such.

3- The fluoride releasing cements bonding (the hybrid glass ionomers for orthodontics and fluoride releasing resins) have suitable adhesive resistance for the bracket direct bonding.

4- The glass ionomer cements for orthodontics have not got the adhesive resistance enough.

5- The adhesion ability of a bracket is influenced by the type of cement used, and there is interaction which shows that adhesive resistance depends on the combination.

See the original work

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